Dear Presby Family: A Greater Rest

As God led his people into the promised land of Canaan under Joshua’s leadership, he promised they would receive the gift of rest (Joshua 1:13). After many battles, God provided the rest he had promised. Joshua 11:23 reports, “So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. Then the land had rest from war.”
What Israel failed to recognize, however, was that the Sabbath rest God ultimately intended for them was much more than anything that a tract of land could provide. It was much more than following the law of Moses. God was inviting them into His rest, a rest that was spiritual and eternal.

 We receive that rest, God’s Sabbath rest, when we respond to the gospel message in faith. When Christ came, many in Israel failed to receive him and the true rest he came to provide. Yet, thankfully, God makes clear that “the promise of entering his rest still stands.” Just as Israel needed to trust in God to experience the physical rest he had promised, so too eternal rest is still available to anyone who will place their hope and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
As we approach Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday, may we experience the rest God provides in Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem to the cheers of the people, they believed that Jesus would grant them “rest” from their Roman oppressors. However, when they learned that the rest Jesus sought to bring them was different than their expectations, they turned on him. This Holy Week, may we avoid their hardened hearts and experience the true rest that Jesus brings.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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