Our Story

How it all started...

Our church has been worshiping and serving God in downtown Warsaw since November 7, 1840. Warsaw has grown significantly since then, and so have we. Our current facility dates to 1883 with the dedication of the sanctuary where our services are still held today. Later expansions to our building in 1915, 1984, and 2003 have added Sunday school wings, preschool classrooms, a fellowship hall, playground, gym, and youth room to our ministry facilities.

How things changed...

By the turn of the millennium, it became apparent that it was time to part ways with our former denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA). In 2004, after a period of discerning God’s direction, the congregation voted unanimously to withdraw from the PC (USA) and join the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. We also changed our name from First Presbyterian Church to Warsaw Evangelical Presbyterian Church at that time.

Where we are headed...

Today WEPC continues to be known throughout the Warsaw area for its active and faithful Christian witness amid changing times. As a downtown congregation, we are actively involved in helping the needy, partnering with local mission agencies, and reaching out to the neighborhoods surrounding our church building. We are also committed to reaching the next generation for Christ through Presby Preschool, Sunday school programs, and midweek children’s and student ministries.

Why is this important...

Our 185-year history reminds us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. We who are part of this historic congregation today are indebted in countless ways to the faith of those who have gone before us. As recipients of this godly heritage and stewards of the gospel, we tirelessly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ so that the generations will experience the joy of knowing, loving, and serving our faithful Savior.