Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
A core value of WEPC is encouraging people locally and worldwide to fall in love with Jesus. We partner with people and organizations whose geographical position and/or specialized skills allow them to share the gospel in ways that extend beyond the physical reach of the local church body. We are committed to providing hands-on support for international and local mission organizations. We pray, encourage, and offer financial support for the following missions to help them share The Gospel in ways WEPC could not do alone.

WEPC International Missions
EPC World Outreach (WO)
EPC World Outreach (WO) is the mission-sending agency of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The principal calling of WO is to glorify God by starting disciple-making movements among the least-reached people groups. We support several families/individuals.
People International (PI)
People International (PI) is an organization working to unveil God’s glory to Central Asia by establishing and enabling His church, living out the Good News of the Gospel so that all may know. PI is committed to sending out well-trained people, developing exiting teams and starting new pioneer works in new locations. We support one individual.
Scott Christian University in Kenya
Scott Christian University in Kenya was established in 1962 as the national theological College of the Africa Inland Church Kenya to provide training for church ministries at an advanced academic level. The University includes the School of Theology, School of Professional Studies and School of Education. We support a professor who teaches biblical languages to enable his students “to engage the Word of God firsthand in the original language.” The seminary also trains chaplains to minister in the local prison.
International School Project - CRU
International School Project – CRU focuses on equipping educators to change the world with the Gospel by discipling teachers through seminars, conferences, and camps. We support one individual.
San Miguel School Project
In 2015 WEPC began a long-term relationship with San Miguel School in the Dominican Republic. Besides prayer and financial support, we have committed to taking teams to this site for whatever work is needed at the time. Starting in 2016, we have sent teams to work on projects such as moving the school to a new building, helping the school set up new kitchen equipment to be able to offer food to the students, presenting community outreach events, teacher training, helping with VBS, and working on painting and facility needs.
Spanish World Ministries
Spanish World Ministries, headquartered in Warsaw, works to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Spanish-speaking part of the world. What started as a single short radio program has grown to broadcasts on over 3000 stations including in Guarani (220+) and Quechua (250+) as well as Spanish, with a growing team of missionaries on the ground in many countries.
Tyumen Bible School
Tyumen Bible School exists to train Russian pastors in a distinctly Reformed setting to lead churches throughout the country. We support the school and a staff family.

Local and US Ministries
All Things New
All Things New is a women’s residential drug rehabilitation home in Warsaw. The goal is to give hope, a fresh start, and freedom for women struggling with various addictions by providing a safe environment and life skills necessary to destroy old habits while fostering dependency on Jesus Christ, who makes all things new.
Heartline Pregnancy Center
Heartline Pregnancy Center, located in Warsaw, works to share the hope of Jesus Christ with individuals in crisis pregnancies by offering appropriate information and support.
Lakeland Child Evangelism
Lakeland Child Evangelism uses multiple avenues (such as the Good News Caboose, Bible and discipleship clubs, and a video lending library) to share the gospel with children and to support families and churches in evangelizing and offering discipleship to the children in their care.
Reformed University Fellowship
Reformed University Fellowship reaches college students at universities in the United States with the hope of Christ and equips them for a lifetime of flourishing and service in the church, their communities, and the wider world. Our focus is the University of Michigan.
Bridges International - CRU
Bridges International-CRU is “a caring community of Christ followers committed to serve, promote social connections, and engage in spiritual conversations with international students so that students become leaders internationally.” They work from American university campuses to share Christ with international students. Our main focus is Indiana University.
Kosciusko County Jail Ministry
Kosciusko County Jail Ministry exists to introduce those involved in the local county justice system to Jesus Christ through church services and Bible studies for those in custody as well as follow-up care for those newly released.
Lifetouch Ministries & Counseling Center
Lifetouch Ministries & Counseling Center seeks to help people return to joy through Biblical counseling, professional teaching, small group ministry, mission trips to Tanzania as well as Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, and prayer for all who seek it.
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