SUnday Mornings

Worship Services

We have two identical worship services starting at 8:30 & 11 AM. Both services are held in our sanctuary, and our 8:30 service is live-streamed to both our YouTube Channel & Website. Each service opens with worship from our music ministry teams and is followed by a sermon from one of our Pastors.
Every time a month has a 5th Sunday, we come together for a unique and meaningful experience. We’ll kick things off with a combined worship service at
10 AM in the sanctuary, where we'll celebrate and lift our voices together. This service will also be live-streamed for those who can’t attend in person.

Afterward, we invite you to stay for a delightful carry-in dinner! Bring a dish to share, and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship and connection with others in our church family. It’s a chance to relax, share a meal, and build new friendships with those around you.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Connection Hour

Adult Connection Hour | Sundays, 10 AM
Adults may choose to attend one of the groups offered on Sunday mornings between the two worship services. These classes allow adults to dig deeper into the truths of Scripture and learn more about how to apply these truths to everyday life.

Kid's Connection Hour | Sundays, 10 AM
This group meets on the third floor, above the Fellowship Hall, every Sunday during the 10 AM Connection Hour.

Kid's Worship & Nursery

Family-style Worship | 8:30 and 11 AM (kids remain in service)
First Sunday of each month.

KidCity Worship | 11 AM service only (kids dismissed during the service)
Second, Fourth, and Fifth Sunday
  • KidCity Worship. Meets on the 3rd floor of the new building.

Third Sunday
  • Puppets! Meets in the puppet room of the old building.

Grades PK-4 – During the first service, children from preschool to 4th grade are encouraged to join their family for the traditional church service. During the second service, this age group is encouraged to stay in the service with their families until the pastor dismisses them to KidCity Worship. Their teacher will take them to the third-floor classrooms above the Fellowship Hall. They will be dismissed to the Fellowship Hall at 12:15 PM.

Grades 5 and up – Children from 5th grade & up are generally able to participate in the entire worship service. For children transitioning out of the KidCity age group, we encourage them to engage in the service.

Nursery | 8:30, 10, & 11 AM 
Our nursery is open for children under 3 during our 8:30 and 11 AM services and our 10 AM connection hour. The nursery is in Room 202, on the second floor of the WEPC building. To get to the nursery, use the elevator on the 1st floor. Your child will receive great care and an excellent Bible lesson in the nursery.

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