She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25

Wednesday Evening Women's Bible Study | 5:30 PM
All ladies are welcome to our Wednesday evening Women's Bible Study in room 305 (3rd floor, last room on left). Come for dinner at 5:30 PM followed by a Bible study led by Brenda Utter and Nancy Peck. Contact Nancy Peck at (574) 265-3460 for more information
All ladies are welcome to our Wednesday evening Women's Bible Study in room 305 (3rd floor, last room on left). Come for dinner at 5:30 PM followed by a Bible study led by Brenda Utter and Nancy Peck. Contact Nancy Peck at (574) 265-3460 for more information
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study | 9:30 AM; September - May
Women of all ages are invited to join this group for an in-depth Bible study. Meetings are held at the church in the Fellowship Hall classroom at 9:30 AM. Contact our front office for more information.
Women of all ages are invited to join this group for an in-depth Bible study. Meetings are held at the church in the Fellowship Hall classroom at 9:30 AM. Contact our front office for more information.
Winning Over Widowhood (WOW) | Monthly
This group for widows meets monthly for support, Bible study, worship, and encouragement. Contact our front office for more information.
This group for widows meets monthly for support, Bible study, worship, and encouragement. Contact our front office for more information.
BLOOM | Spring & Fall
BLOOM provides Bible study for all women through classes & events. Contact our front office for more information.
BLOOM provides Bible study for all women through classes & events. Contact our front office for more information.