Women's MinistrY

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Wednesday Evening Women's Bible Study | 5:30 PM
All ladies are welcome to our Wednesday evening Women's Bible Study in room 305 (3rd floor, last room on left). Come for dinner at 5:30 PM followed by a Bible study led by Brenda Utter and Nancy Peck. Contact Nancy Peck at (574) 265-3460 for more information
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study | 9:30 AM; September - May
Women of all ages are invited to join this group for an in-depth Bible study. Meetings are held at the church in the Fellowship Hall classroom at 9:30 AM. Contact our front office for more information.
Winning Over Widowhood (WOW) | Monthly
This group for widows meets monthly for support, Bible study, worship, and encouragement. Contact our front office for more information.
BLOOM | Spring & Fall
BLOOM provides Bible study for all women through classes & events. Contact our front office for more information.

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