God's Promptings

I’m guessing that most of us don’t always recognize God at work in our everyday lives. We get caught up in the busyness and the routine. But sometimes, something happens, and there is no question that God orchestrated that event.

I was recently at a music competition in Indianapolis. I had forgotten my music glasses in the car and realized I wouldn’t have time to get them until I had a short break. While returning from my car, I noticed a youngish woman walking very slowly, leaning on the arm of a high school student. As I passed them, I heard her worrying about making it to the car.I asked if she needed a ride somewhere as my car was close. She accepted my offer and said she was trying to get to her son’s car to go home, but her back was in a lot of pain.

I ran to get my car and drove to pick her up. Her son was waiting across the street at the CVS, so we had a super short drive. I asked her name (Ruby) and said I would pray. That was it. She exclaimed, “I’m a Christ follower too!” (How did she know?!) She then launched into a litany of all the ills that had happened to her in the last year, including cancer, a huge weight gain, and now excruciating back pain.

When we got to the CVS parking lot, Ruby’s son opened her door. Ruby turned to me and asked, “Can you pray with me right now?” So we did—the three of us had a spontaneous prayer meeting in the parking lot. We were all smiling with tears in our eyes when I said, “Amen."

I left that encounter grateful that I had listened to God prompting me to reach out. We never know who he will put in our path day to day. We only need to listen and obey.


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