Dear Presby Family: God Speaks

“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son…” Hebrews 1:1-2
I believe that we human beings long to hear the voice of God. We hear the voices of the world around us, but we long for something more. Deep in our souls, we ache for assurance that God is real, and we want to hear from Him. But it can often seem like hearing from God is beyond our reach.
The author of Hebrews calls our attention to the variety of ways in which God speaks, and none of these require us to ascend to heaven ourselves. Certainly, we see how God spoke through prophets. God also addressed the people through His word, which was written down. In the Bible, we have the record of God’s interactions with humanity and the stories of God’s people throughout history; all of these things reveal God’s character to us.
But, ultimately, we see it in how God spoke through His Word - Jesus Christ. Jesus, who was a part of the triune God who spoke creation into existence, is also the same one who speaks at its consummation. Knowing that Jesus is the maker of all things means we can trust in him for all things. We can depend on Him as the one who cares for His creation. So when things in life seem to be out of control, we can trust in the sovereign power of Jesus as Lord over everything.
Jesus is the mind of God, and as such, what more can be said than what God has spoken to us through his Son? In him, we hear God’s voice. It doesn't require some mysterious spiritual practice or special knowledge; Jesus is the megaphone that tells us how to hear God’s voice and see His love in action here on earth.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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