Dear Presby Family: Blessed Assurance

Hebrews 10:19-39 is a section of scripture filled with numerous twists and turns, so much so that you wonder where to place the focus. Should it be the familiar verses of 19-25? Should it be the call to live differently now that we know who Christ is in verses 26-31? Or should it be the call to persevere in verses 32-39? On the one hand, we could take each section on its own and extend our sermon series out even further. On the other hand, we could take them all together and connect them to the cleansing work of Jesus’ blood that we learned about last week.

What happens when believers gather together in worship and “draw near to God?” We hear the call to live differently, to turn from our sins, and to persevere. This is why worshiping together is so important and why we should encourage each other by doing it regularly.

Assurance leads to perseverance. Since we know that Christ is the victor over all that is wrong with the world, we can boldly follow His invitation to follow him. That same assurance also leads us to persevere when we face hardship or temptation, lean on others when we do, and still find joy in the midst of difficulty.

Again, this is why we need one another. This is why Christians aren’t meant to live in isolation. We need one another for encouragement. We need one another for perseverance. We need one another to help us run from the sin that so easily entangles us. And we need one another to remind us of the assurance we have in Jesus Christ. May God grant us strength to press into these things this week and to not shrink back. Why? Because we have faith and a blessed assurance in Christ.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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