Dear Presby Family: Running With Endurance

Dear Presby Family,

After last week's survey of the Hebrews 11 Hall of Faith, this Sunday, we will look at the well-known opening verses of Hebrews 12. How should the lives of past heroes of the faith inform our lives today? According to the author of Hebrews, their examples can motivate us to persevere as we run the race of faith. To run this race well, we need to cast off the things that slow us down and fix our eyes on Jesus. Because He has triumphed in His race, He gives us strength to endure as we follow in His ways.

I invite you to read Hebrews 12:1-3 and reflect on these verses. When you think of the "great cloud of witnesses" who have gone before you, who comes to your mind as someone God has used to encourage you in your faith? How would you describe the race God has called you to run? What might you need to cast off in order to persevere in the race? Ask Jesus to help you fix your eyes upon Him as you keep running the race He has marked out for you.

Pastor Andrew

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