Dear Presby Family: The Pursuit Of Peace & Holiness

“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy…”  - Hebrews 12:14

As Kreuger says, a common reaction to the discipline we learned about last week is to give up - to stop running the race. In a long race, sometimes you’ll notice that a runner's gait has flattened. Instead of feet that form a more rounded elliptical motion, their feet fall closer to an oval shuffle. Other times you’ll notice as they start to tire that their arms drop. 

We might not think anything of it, but these things are signs of fatigue. It’s said that the position and motion of the arms are extremely important in running in order to maintain proper body coordination and rhythm. Your arms actually help you pull through your stride, and so they are the first parts of the body to show weariness.

This is no different in the Christian walk. Sometimes we get tired. Sometimes we get weary. Sometimes we get tired and weary of each other. This is why the pursuit of personal holiness is hard work, and which is why we need to be strengthened daily. The temptation is always there to trade the spiritual things for the earthly things; but if we do so, we will end up sharing in the tears of Esau. A lack of holiness leads to separating sin, and makes us poor witnesses and a stumbling block to others.

This means that the call to the pursuit of peace and holiness is also a call to commitment. People who are at peace with God are responsible to pursue peace in their relationships with others. When we do so by loving others and seeking peace, others will see a reflection of God’s glory. May we be a people who live in His peace and put aside bitterness and hate.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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