Dear Presby Family: A Greater Way To Live

It’s hard to believe that we are quickly coming to the end of our study of Hebrews; what we started back in February will now be finishing in August. While we have spent 24 weeks on it (so far), the reality is that we could spend many, many more. In fact, as we turn our attention to Hebrews 13 this week, the reality is that we could easily break this up into four or five more Sundays.

The reason for this is because the author turns his attention from deep theology to practical living, and in these verses, we see example after example of how what we believe should be reflected in how we behave:
  • It should lead to loving one another. 
  • It should lead to greater levels of hospitality.
  • It should lead to an outpouring of care and concern for those who are in prison.
  • It should lead to a greater sexual purity. It should lead to a greater level of contentment and not having a love for money.
  • It should lead to greater respect for our church leaders.
  • It should lead to a strengthened faith that can discern truth from error.
  • It should lead to greater perseverance in our faith.
  • It should lead to greater praise.
  • It should lead to greater prayer.

But, alas, since we won’t be doing that, we’ll bundle them together under the umbrella of a greater way to live. Perhaps verses 15-16 sum it up best: “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Even as I write this, I am reminded that this is perhaps a wonderful week to take up these things as we will be gathering together as one congregation (10 AM), meeting in one location (the gym), to worship together, and fellowship together. May these words come alive in our hearts and church this week!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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