Dear Presby Family: Just Be True To Yourself

“Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.” -Colossians 3:9-10

I just love when you put fresh sheets or a new set of sheets on the bed. There is something about having everything be tight and tidy as you put your feet in for the first time. There’s also the fresh smell. And for some of us, perhaps there’s the sense that “I should really do this more often.”

That sense of looking and feeling new is exactly what this verse is talking about. It starts in a rather ordinary way. “Don’t lie to one another.” That’s plain enough. We taught this to our children when they said, “I didn’t do it,” but it’s clear they did when chocolate was on their mouths and the cookie jar lid was halfway off. We know it’s wrong to lie, but we do it anyway.
But look closer at why we’re not supposed to lie to one another. It’s because we’ve “put off the old self” and “put on the new self.” In Christ, we’ve got a new look; we’re new people. We’ve got fresh sheets, and we get to start all over.

What’s the key? Is it just being true to our old selves? Is it just wearing our old clothes? Is it just sleeping in the same sheets forever? No, we are told that the most important thing is to be “renewed” in the “image of our Creator.”

As we grow to know him better, we become more and more like our truest self, the person we were always meant to be, fresh and clean.

Grace & Peace,
Aaron Klein

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