Dear Presby Family: This World Is Not My Home

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t be so earthly-minded that you’re no heavenly good?” How about the reverse? “Don’t be so heavenly-minded that you’re no earthly good?” Or, have you ever heard people use phrases like, “This world is not my home; I’m just passing through” or, “Be in the world, not of the world?”

The reality is that Christians are described in a number of ways and instructed to live in a number of ways. We are to live differently from the world, yet we are also called to be salt and light amongst the world. We look forward to the kingdom that is coming, but we are also called to grow God’s kingdom here on earth. We are called forgiven sinners, adopted sons and daughters, and beloved members of the body of Christ. All of these are key aspects of who we are in Christ.

But according to Jesus’ prayer in John 17, one of our most important identities is as “sent people.” Just as Jesus was sent into the world to show God’s love, He now sends us to do the same. Jesus often spoke of heaven, but He also spoke of God’s kingdom in our world. The mission He entrusted to His followers was not about pining for heaven but about making disciples and growing God’s kingdom.

So how are we to live? As a sent people! In John 17:18, Jesus said, “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” The good news is that He prays for us as Jesus sends us into the world! We don’t go alone!

As we continue to grow in our relationships with Christ, let us also continue to examine our relationship with the world. Are we just passing through, or are we engaging? If we engage, to what is the extent? How do we navigate our identity as people sent into the world to build up God's kingdom?

Grace & Peace,
Aaron Klein

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