Dear Presby Family: Money Is The Root Of All Evil

“But godliness with contentment is great gain…For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:6, 10)

Have you ever sat back after a good meal with a groan and a sigh? The meal was so good - and you are so full - that you cannot possibly eat any more. You might even say that you’re stuffed or cannot possibly eat another thing. Yet we know that even after a full meal, we will soon get hungry again. Other times, even if our stomach is full, our eyes may desire more.

The same is true with our finances. Some people think that financial fullness is where we should rest. Other people think God will always bless you physically if God loves you. Others live with a scarcity mindset, thinking that that is how to honor God. And still others have a covetous heart towards people with financial means.
These various views will often lead people to quote from the Bible by saying, “Money is the root of evil.” However, as we will discover this week, that is a misquote on multiple levels. First of all, Paul states that “the love of money…” This is the starting place of trouble. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” It’s only when we return the love of the One who first loved us that we are satisfied.

But second, Paul also says that “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” Money isn’t the root, but it is a root. A desire for power and sex can also be roots that lead to evil. In addition, the love of it can lead to all kinds of evil. Money is a medium of exchange, and it can lead to good things and bad things.
The issue is that though we may love money, money cannot love us back. Money cannot satisfy us. And money cannot buy God’s love for us or satisfy our desires. Only God can! By keeping money in its proper place and learning the spirit of contentment, we can find true satisfaction.

Grace & Peace,
Aaron Klein

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