Dear Presby Family: Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

"It is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” Mark 7:15

After a day of playing outside, my parents always reminded me when it was time to come inside for dinner, “Don’t forget to wash your hands before you sit down. And use soap!” they would say. The desire for cleanliness has stuck with me, and I still squirm when I see someone in the public restroom bypass washing their hands after using the facilities.
Germs are a thing!

In the Bible, the Pharisees also carefully washed their hands before eating. However, in those days, the focus wasn’t as much about germs; their handwashing laws had to do with spiritual holiness. So when they asked why Jesus’ disciples didn’t wash, it wasn’t about hygiene; they were looking for a way to criticize Jesus as if to say He and his disciples were not spiritually holy.

Jesus used that opportunity to teach them that spiritual impurity isn’t about what is on our hands or what goes through our digestive system. He reminded them that spiritual impurity comes from our sinful hearts. Handwashing could not remove greed, deceit, sexual immorality, hatred, etc.

We can try to obey all the regulations, cultural values, and expected behaviors in our society—most of which are for the good of everyone. In addition, we can believe all the right doctrines and try to live pure lives—which is even more important. But none of that will cleanse our hearts. Only the renovating, cleansing work of Jesus in our hearts can bring about true cleanliness!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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