Dear Presby Family: Heaven Must've Needed Another Angel

Dear Presby Family,


Did you know that our current sermon series will be coming to a close this Sunday? This week, we will consider one final teaching not found in the Bible: the notion that when a person passes away, it is because "Heaven must have needed another angel."

Most of us have probably encountered this idea before. During times of mourning or loss, it is comforting to think of our loved ones as being joyful and radiant in the presence of God. For understandable reasons, many have taken this a step further and envisioned their loved ones becoming the most glorious kind of created being we can imagine, an angel.

While this thought process is understandable, it is not biblical. Scripture consistently presents angels and humans as two distinctly different creatures; nowhere in the Bible do the lines blur. Moreover, as we will discover on Sunday, the Bible offers us an even greater hope. Those who die in the Lord enjoy His presence now, and at His return, we will be raised with glorious, imperishable bodies. We will be (for the first time) truly human, set free from the shackles of sin to glorify and enjoy God forever in a new creation.

I invite you to read Revelation 21:1-5 and prayerfully allow your imagination to revel in these words.

Pastor Andrew 

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