Dear Presby Family: Gather Together In Love

Dear Presby family,

This past Sunday, Pastor Aaron challenged us to live as God's people on mission for Him in our daily lives. But how do we get there? What does it mean to be a community on mission together as we seek to gather, grow, give, and go forth in the love of Christ?

During November, our services will be oriented around the theme of "The Abundant Life," which is found as we live together as God's family. Each Sunday, we will look at a particular aspect of our Kingdom life. We will begin this week by focusing on God's call for us to gather together in love. As we will see, this is foundational to our other callings to grow, give, and go as followers of Jesus.

I invite you to read Acts 2:42-47. How does this passage describe the gatherings of these early believers? What is similar to our gatherings today? What is different? I encourage you to reflect on this text and ask the Lord to give you a greater longing and deeper delight in gathering with the family of God.

See you on Sunday!
Pastor Andrew

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