Dear Presby Family: Growing In Love

“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:7 (NLT)

During this fall season, our minds often turn to harvest, to bounty, and to Thanksgiving. It is not a season where we think of putting down roots that grow; we save that for spring. Yet Paul reminds us that when we allow our roots to be grounded in Christ and grow in the things we have been taught, we will grow up with lives of overflow and thankfulness.

Though Paul doesn’t refer specifically to trees as he writes to the Colossians, the imagery of being rooted in Christ points to the stability and nourishment that comes from having a life like a tree or a plant. The roots lead to living a life that is being built up, that is strong, and overflowing with the fruit of gratitude.

As we learned last week, our worship “gatherings” function as a wonderful place to receive rich nutrients. However, that is just one place where we grow. As we will see this week, we also “grow” when we invest in missional communities, small groups, and growth groups. Those may be different names for the same thing, but they remind us that our lives are to be deeply rooted in Christ so that we may stand firm and bear much fruit. It's the roots that allow us to build!
As we look to the future, may God continue to grow good things in and through us. I look forward to growing in grace with you this week!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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