Dear Presby Family: Continued Fruitfulness

Dear Presby Family,

I hope you had a blessed Christmas celebration and are enjoying these final days of 2023. We pause at the threshold of a new year, knowing that 2024 will usher in new chapters for WEPC. Although there will be some obvious changes, much will remain unchanged. No matter what the coming months may bring, WEPC's mission to display the majesty of Christ, proclaim the hope of the gospel, and bring the joy of Jesus to our city and world will remain the same. Even more so, Our Lord's faithfulness and commitment to His people will remain firm and unshaken. I believe that God will do tremendous things here at WEPC in 2024 and beyond; I can't wait to see what He will do next!

This Sunday, we will be looking at Philippians 1:3-11. In these verses, Paul writes to a church that he loves dearly, celebrating what God has done in the past, praising God for their faithfulness in the present, and praying for their continued fruitfulness for Christ in the future. I invite you to read these verses, reflect on what God has done in your life and in this congregation, and ask Him to continue to bring about abundant gospel fruit in your life and in this congregation. In all things--both in 2024 and beyond--to God be the glory and praise!

See you at 10 AM this Sunday!
Pastor Andrew

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