Dear Presby Family: Can My Destiny Be Secure?

“All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” John 6:37

Physical hunger is very real in our world today. It is estimated that up to a billion people in the world struggle with food insecurity (about 1 in 7 people). That is a terrible statistic to behold, especially since we have been blessed with so much.

However, there is another kind of hunger that is even more prevalent: spiritual emptiness and insecurity; and this emptiness extends from the poor to the rich, and from the young to the old. Sadly, those with stomachs that are full are the very same ones where spiritual insecurity is even more pronounced. Jesus understands this, and he points his listeners to move beyond the full stomachs that they had just received from the feeding of the 5,000. Instead, he invites them to feast on himself as the “bread of life.”

They came to Jesus for a second helping, but Jesus tells them that they missed out on the main course! The good news is that when we come to Jesus to satisfy all of our spiritual needs; we need not worry that He is going to spit us out, or that He is going to throw us up. We belong to Him forever! The evidence of this is our fruit. And as we grow in grace, we increasingly hate sin and its effects in our lives. This is the process of sanctification; and the more we lean into the “I am” statements of Jesus and live for him, the less we need to worry about our salvation.

In fact, Jesus would say, “You needn't worry about it at all. Your heart belongs to me and I will not let it go!” As we spend time talking about our eternal security this week, my prayer is that your hunger will be satisfied in Jesus, and that you would not live in fear. I look forward to seeing you either in person or online.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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