Dear Presby Family: The Risk & The Provision Of Love

The word redeem means “to buy back.” For Boaz, this meant using his money to buy back a relative’s land and having a child with Ruth to preserve the family name of that relative.

Like Ruth, Boaz is a person of noble character. As Ruth clung to Naomi out of respect for her mother-in-law and for the Lord, Boaz clung to the Word of God, recognizing that all honor and praise belong to the Lord. As this story reveals, Boaz is a man who seeks after a heart that loves God and loves others. But he is also a man who does what is right.

When Ruth takes a risk by asking to be redeemed, Boaz could have passed up this opportunity because there was another redeemer. But he didn’t. He went out of his way to make his intentions clear with a vow: “As surely as the Lord lives, I will do it.” Someone who loves the Word of God does not make a vow lightly (Deuteronomy 23:21-23).

But Boaz is a picture of the ultimate promise maker and promise keeper; for just as God promised, He sent us “one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26). And Jesus Christ lived a life of perfect purity. But even more than that, this same Jesus also redeemed us from the poverty of sin by purchasing us for God.

As we continue in our series on Ruth, I hope that you are able to discover the provision, the security, and the purity that we have because of Jesus Christ. I look forward to seeing you either in person or online. Have a wonderful and blessed week!

Grace & Peace,
Aaron Klein

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