Dear Presby Family: God's Trust Or Ours

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21

Greetings from General Assembly 2024 in Memphis, TN! It is an honor and a privilege to be representing you at our annual church meeting, and I invite you to join me in prayer as (by the time you will read this), we will have concluded our important business and be heading towards home). Pray that our work has honored Christ, pray that it has built up his church, and pray that we will see to be kingdom builders in our communities.

As we continue on in our sermon series on “The Sermon on the Mount,” we are reminded that at the deepest part of our being lies a longing. A hope. A dream. Something more important to us than anything else. Whatever it is that we treasure most, we will build our lives on it. Whether it is our job, our wealth, our standing in the community, our looks, or something else, we will go to great lengths to gain this treasure. These things hypnotize many into chasing after its false promises and empty security.

Sadly, much of what we treasure is like a mist. Some treasures are gone in an instant, and others slip away over a lifetime. But only one treasure lasts forever. Jesus wants to be the treasure of our hearts. He wants to be the unrivaled Master that we serve wholeheartedly.

The way to be free from chasing worldly treasures is to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness, to learn the secret of contentment, and to store up treasures in heaven. When we set our hearts on the beauty of Christ, we are reoriented to what is truly priceless for us. May we make an investment that will last forever.

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Aaron

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