Dear Presby Family: The Praying Lifestyle

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” - Matthew 7:7

Have you ever been at a store and needed help finding something, but there was no one around to ask? It’s a frustrating experience, right? Or have you ever needed help finding something and there was an employee 5 feet away; but you’re too stubborn to ask; and so you search in vain? Why do we do that?!

If we do that for the small things in life, do we have a tendency to do that in the big things? The important things? God is right beside us willing to listen, yet we insist on searching for the answers ourselves! We act as if everything in our life depends on us, instead of leaning on God and aiming to live in line with His will.

For everyone who struggles with this, Jesus encourages us to turn to God—just as a child turns to a parent—and to ask for the things we need. We can trust that God loves us enough to provide. It doesn't mean we can get whatever we ask for or seek after. And it’s not that we are to treat prayer like rubbing a genie bottle and our every wish would come true. But when we ask God for the good gifts of the Holy Spirit that are in line with God’s will, He delights to share them with us.

As we gather together this week, that is where our thoughts will turn. However, as I reflect back on where we have been and where we are going, two quick thoughts come to mind: First, as we celebrate our nation’s independence and freedom this week (and give thanks), may we never forget our dependence on God and the freedom we have in Christ! Second, I love our church! Seeing the incredible volunteers pull together to host and awesome VBS, followed by all of WEPC gathering together as one in a packed sanctuary with an incredible time of worship, then capped off with sweet fellowship reminds me that this place is special. Thank you! And keep up the great work!

Grace & Peace,

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