Dear Presby Family: A Confession Of A Disciple

The New Testament includes gospels and letters from a few of the first Christian disciples and believers, but have you ever wondered or imagined what some of the other early believers in Jesus might say if they were able to speak to us? What experiences and surprises might they speak about to encourage us to fully trust Jesus with an eternal perspective, even today?

Perhaps I have an overactive imagination, but I’ve wondered about some of these things. This Sunday you will see how I imagine one of the early disciples might speak about his experiences and encouraged believers through all ages to fully trust Jesus. It is not intended to be definitive of the early disciples’ thoughts, but as a possibility of how their perspectives may have changed from knowing and trusting Jesus as Messiah.

I certainly think, and pray, it is consistent with the message throughout scripture. And I hope it gives us a renewed conviction about the significance of the gospel message and how we must fully trust Jesus as our Messiah.

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