Unspeakable Joy

Nov 13, 2022    Aaron Klein

“Can I just have a little peace?!” How many of us have ever uttered words along those lines? It could be the plea of a family member trying to escape the chaos of home life, a teacher bombarded with active children all day, or a medical patient caught in a whirlwind of tests, scans, appointments, insurance questions, and uncertain results. Stress takes its toll and steals our joy.

When the Bible speaks of “the peace of God” that can guard our hearts and minds, this is much more than the absence of noise or busyness. True peace comes from the Holy Spirit, from knowing that we have been made right with God through Jesus’ work of salvation. But how do we find this peace?

The apostle Paul encourages followers of Christ to look above and beyond the problem: to pray about everything, and thank God for listening and answering according to His perfect will. We are also to think differently - on things that are true, right, pure, lovely. While that may sound a bit too, “Let go and let God,” God promises to give peace to those who ask. And as we rest in His unfailing, sovereign will, we are able to find joy.