Apologizing To Those You've Hurt

Feb 6, 2023    Aaron Klein

“When he came to his senses, he said…“I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.” So he got up and went to his father.” Matthew 15:17-20

Have you ever had one of those moments where you jumped to a faulty conclusion and yelled at your spouse or children for something they didn’t do? Hopefully, you also realize that you need to apologize when you realize that you hurt them. It can be an awkward moment (especially with our children), but it helps to establish trust that can last a lifetime. I believe that our relationships will be closer if we share our brokenness. There is an intimacy that comes from confession.

But let’s be honest - no one enjoys admitting they are wrong. We hope our spouse, or children, or friends will overlook our shortcomings and not call us out for our inconsistencies. We want to preserve the illusion of having our life pulled together. No one wants to say, “I was wrong, and I'm sorry!”

The problem is that we end up missing out on the blessing that follows by avoiding those painful words. When a wound is cleaned, the healing can begin; but if we live with sin festering in our lives, we miss the healing and wholeness that God has made available to us.

As we continue in our sermon series, Living Together in Harmony, we will see that confession and asking for forgiveness are key components to healing in relationships. Yet, not only does it impact how we relate to others, but it also relates to our relationship with God. We need to seek forgiveness in Jesus’ name.