Getting Past Your Personal Failures

Feb 13, 2023    Andrew Morton

During the past several weeks, our worship and study of Scripture have focused on God's call for us to live in harmony with one another. As we have seen, God has a lot to say about this in His Word. His desire is that we will live more and more as a people who are united in Christ, who love one another, and who forgive each other. Yet, in order to do this, we first need to be brought into unity with God through His Son Jesus Christ.

As we complete our "Living Together in Harmony" sermon series this Sunday, we will focus on the foundation of all Christian unity and reconciliation, which is reconciliation with God Himself. Until we become part of God's new creation, our best efforts to achieve harmony with one another will fall short. However, God's wonderful promise to all who come to Him is that His grace overcomes our past failures, shortcomings, and brokenness, and he gives us a new start as participants in His new creation. The old has gone, and the new has come!